Friday, May 14, 2010

Our Boom With a View: Our View

OK, we admit it. We're Baby Boomers (hence the catchy name). We're the "Me Generation", the grab & gimme snot-nosed brats that killed innocence and Bob Hope - OK, maybe not Bob Hope.
Apparently we never learned to share, (although with 76 million of us all wanting to climb on the monkey bars and swing on the swings, you'd think we'd have learned a thing or two about sharing.)
This blog is not about Boomers - we didn't invent that dumb title, (a brief pause: generation X'ers we feel your pain). We didn't fuck ourselves into existence and we didn't raise ourselves.
We were raised by "The Greatest Generation" and Walt Disney, (M-I-C ... K-E-Y ...), and, as Billy Joel said: "We didn't start the fire."
So this isn't a "Boomer" blog, the name just tells the reader that we're older than we used to be and we were born before computers. (but not before TV and fire).
Now let's talk about something trivial and important and fun and sad.
We welcome your comments and feedback, (Oooo - a "sharing circle.)

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